Just two short days ago, the most beautiful little soul entered my life. Her name is Gracie-May, and she is a Miniature Australian Shepherd. Here is a photo of her perfect, little, 3-pound, self:
Although I've only known this wonderful baby for a few short days, she has proven to be one of the brightest lights in my life. She is a bundle of love and affection - what is there not to love? She's basically taken up the entirety of my time the few days I've had her so far; therefore, I decided to dedicate this article to her and all the happiness she brings to my family. Here are some reasons why a puppy is certainly a necessity in everyone's life:
1. They bring happiness everywhere they go.
Have you ever been walking down the street and suddenly been greeted by a dog? Tell me your day didn't get better after that encounter, and you are lying.
2. They are a furry companion.
I often hear the phrase "animals are better than people," and if you live by this motto, then clearly a puppy is for you.
3. There is no judgement.
Puppies will never tell you something is a bad idea, or you made the wrong decision... but they won't exactly tell you something is a good idea either.
4. They rely on you.
You are that puppy's entire lifeline. You feed him/her, bathe him/her, walk him/her... it's basically like having a child without as many headaches.
5. They're great cuddlers.
Have you ever felt a puppy's coat? It is as soft as it gets. Now imagine cuddling the puppy to take a nap or watch some Netflix. Pure bliss.
6. Puppy kisses.
I don't know about you, but if a puppy comes up to me and wants to lick me, I physically can't say no. They just want to give some love - who am I to deny them of that?
7. They are therapeutic.
Pet therapy is a real thing. I promise. Animals are often brought into hospitals for this very reason. In fact, associating with dogs has been proven to help alleviate symptoms of stress and depression.
8. They keep you young.
While puppies are sweet and fun, they are a lot of work. This means they will be sure to keep you on your toes and busy at all times (even at 2 am - trust me.)
9. You'll never have to eat alone again.
If you're like me, you have a hard time going out to a restaurant and eating alone. I just can't do it. But, if you have a puppy, they can accompany you! That means never having to go out to eat unaccompanied ever again!
10. If you live alone, your home won't feel so empty.
Coming home to an empty house is just... lonely. Now picture opening your front door and being greeted by a slobbery tongue and wagging tail. You get the idea.
11. They'll help you exercise.
Puppies are bundles of joy and energy. This means they need to go on walks, be taken to parks, and be regularly played with. Making sure your pet gets the exercise in needs, nearly ensures you'll get your very own workout in as well.
12. They genuinely love you.
Like I said previously, you are a puppy's entire lifeline. Since you are the sole caretaker of your pet, you symbolize that pet's entire world. You aren't only his/her owner - you're his/her best friend.
13. They'll always be happy to see you.
If your puppy is wagging like a fiend, odds are he/she is happy to see you.
14. They're just so darn CUTE.
Literally, just google "puppies" and I promise your day will get at least a little better.