Glacial waves lapped at the base of the large house boat as the gentle cries of gulls echoed across the water.
Soft layers of spray rose from the bow, curved gracefully over the deck and misted my thick hair. Golden sunlight beat against the back of my head. My tired eyes were closing slowly, slowly. I leaned my back against the strong surface and started drifting into light thoughts. As I allowed myself to slip into an ocean of rest the reality of what was happening started to sink in, I was allowed to be at complete peace. I could fall asleep at the moment if I felt so inclined to. There were no monotonous chores, no one’s silly questions to answer, no papers to write, no deadlines for my book.
The slight scent of cheese and noodles wafted through the air and alerted my memory. I could eat whatever I wanted to. My mind’s eye scanned the cupboards and fridge below. Unlike my own stash at home there was much to choose from. Chocolate muffins, any pop imaginable, lime Tostito chips, sour candy… the list could go on for a while. Heaven.
To top off the amazingness, there were about ninety of us on the houseboat and no shortage of motivated, intriguing, hilarious people to connect with.
All these incredible gifts brought me to a reality, the reality that I was tired out, burnt out and really needing rest. Funny...I didn’t know how badly I needed it until my exhaustion went head to head with a time where no obligations awaited me.
I write this short post for those of us who know we need a break. I would like to remind you of something fundamental and so easily combed over in Western society: you are not what you achieve. Your value is not found in what you accomplish or how you appear to others.
So many of us hone this mentality and the mindset almost kills us: like it was killing me.
I urge you to take time to rest (whatever that looks like for you). Get away from the craziness and give yourself permission to do what you would like to do. Let your body guide you to where you need to be. Maybe it belongs in yoga class. Maybe you should be laying on the couch with a bestseller. Maybe you need to catch some Z's and hold them tightly.
Turn off social media and turn on your ability to listen to what you need. You won’t regret this as, in the long run, it will help you go hard where it matters
So, as we approach the school season I want to remind you to take things in stride. Don’t take on too much responsibility and burn yourself out. Don’t allow the demands of others to place you in a cycle of unhealthy situations.
Take some time to get to know you and seriously, SERIOUSLY take a day or two off! Trust me when I tell you the world won't stop rotating without you.