We are catcalled. We are underestimated. We are sexualized. We are underpaid. We are women.
As women, we must be strong. It is important to have the thick skin so many believe we are incapable of bearing.
I'm here to tell you: On every level you believe I am not, I am perfectly capable.
As a woman, you must be strong. It is so, so, so important to receive the equal respect we deserve.
As a woman, you must not submit. You are a servant to no one but the Good Lord above.
You must have a voice. Speak up if someone is bothering you or if you know an answer in lecture. Whatever. Just make yourself heard.
Do you want something? Then go get it. Do not expect anyone besides yourself to earn anything for you simply because you're a woman. You are strong and able, so do it.
Speaking of, you can do anything you want by yourself. There is no shame in needing help, but if you are told you are unable of accomplishing something without the assistance of a man, forget that. Do it anyway.
Fight for a change. Speak your mind. Do not sit in silence and act like you are ok with gender discrepancies (hint: wages) when you are not.
Do not use the phrase, "Take it easy on me." Personally, I would much rather a boy destroy me in a sport when he is working as hard as he can (if he is better than me, that is) than win myself "because he did not try."
And lastly, please do not sit around and talk about how much you hate men and how ignorant they are. They are not ignorant. Sure, plenty are -- but plenty of women are too. There are stupid in the people in the world and you make yourself look like one of them by being a man-hater. Come on now.
It is no secret that 21st century females are still not always treated with the same respect as men. Let's make a voice for ourselves and change that.