You must always be enough for yourself. To be bluntly honest, no one will ever truly stick around. No one will truly have your back 24/7. No one will always be in your corner, so it is your job to be enough for you.
It is easy to get attached to people, and become infatuated with them. People are good at deceiving. Friends may be in your corner one second, then decide you are no longer benefiting their lifestyle. People come and go in your life, and that is the harsh reality that we all have to accept.
It hurts when you get betrayed by someone you thought would always be there. It hurts when you trusted someone with everything and they turned out exactly how you feared they would. You can't make people care for you and you can't please everyone.
You can enjoy being with the people around you, but never rely too heavy on someone. Rely on yourself, for you are truly the only one who knows what you need and what is best for you.
Get comfortable with being happy when you are alone, and learn to face your own battles. The more you rely on yourself the stronger you are. You are less prone to being walked on, and you will discover new things about yourself. This is not at all a selfish act. Taking care of yourself should be a priority. Looking out for yourself should be a priority too.
Therefore, cut out the bad in life. If something has you consistently feeling down, move far away from it. Don't fear change. Change up your whole life if that's what you need to do and don't have fear of regret.
Those that love you will stay through your life changes, and those that don't, you should consider a blessing that they have left.
It is not an easy task being enough for yourself. There is a lot you have to accept and sometimes a lot you have to change. You may have to go outside of your comfort zone, but trust me in the end it will all be okay.
Truly, you are enough. You are strong enough, you are beautiful enough, and you are smart enough. Once you realize this- you are capable of achieving the impossible.