Stop saying you will never be good enough for someone or something. I understand why you say it, but it doesn't have to stay that way. The more times you say a certain word or phrase, the more times it gives your heart the chance to believe it. I am guilty of saying, "Well I guess I am not good enough for anyone," and, "No one wants to be around me," which maybe I have come to believe. Those statements effect how we live on a daily basis and the people around us. It will give off a negative vibe, and no one wants that. Your purpose on this earth is not to impress someone, or to be good enough for them. Your purpose is to serve the Lord and be who he made you to be. To Him, you are enough. You are more than enough. He loved you even before you were born, and even before the world was created. Every time I come to that phrase, "I am not good enough," I remind myself I am enough, and much more. Not everyone is meant to stay in our lives, but the people that cross our paths were put there for a purpose. God's plan for all of us leads us on a path. Sometimes we come across temporary relationships, and other times we come across forever relationships. Every experience we have is experienced for a reason. Most of the time the reason is to teach us something, other times it is the first step on our way to a great new adventure. The more positive outlooks you have, the less unwanted phrases come in your head. Don't give in to the phrase "not good enough," stand up and do something about it. Don't sit around and just let someone or yourself think that, be yourself. Love the person you are, and the rest will just fall into place.
To the girls,
Recommended for you
Remember to always love yourself no matter how you feel in that moment about your looks. Too often we think that makeup and cool clothes are the ideal things to makes us good enough for someone else: wrong! You do not need the latest styles and makeup trends to be enough for someone. You are fabulous just the way you are.
To the guys,
There is no shame in loving who you are. It is not just something girls struggle with. Be who you are, and own it! Do not go above and beyond to impress someone with stylish clothes, but be your full self and embrace it. Do not do something just to be cool and have friends. Have friends for the right reason, by being your awesome selves.
Overall, what I am trying to say is never let a word or phrase ruin how you see yourself. We weren't put on this Earth to impress others, but to accept and love others.
"I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well."
Psalms 139:14 HCSB