If you're from Texas, you probably grew up hearing, and still do hear, how lucky you are to be a Texan. It's so very true; This lovely state is as unique as it is large, and its distinctive shape, dialect, and flag are recognized around the world as the place where everything is bigger and better, be it BBQ, trucks, tacos, or football games. But if you've ever wondered just what exactly it is that makes a Texan a, well... Texan...here's a list of 17 indicators you might just be from the Lone Star State.
You’ve ever yelled Gig em', Wreck em', Hook em', or Sic em' -
Of course, we all know that the Texas Tech Red Raiders are the best in the land, but I might be a little biased.
You've ever seen a chupacabra -
Or maybe it was just a coyote with mange. But who cares? It still makes for a good story.
You’ve ever had to educate a non-Texan on hoop snakes and jackrabbits -
I’ve taken it upon myself to educate the yankee and international students I meet on the dangers of the jackalope and hoop snake. However, when viewed from a safe distance, they are the embodiment of the majesty of nature….
You’ve ever heard the words “Hold my beer and watch this shit” and then found yourself visiting a friend in the hospital -
Every good story and horrible injury starts with this phrase. It could almost be called the "daredevil’s creed", although not only relative to Texas but I can't say I've watched any Youtube videos of a uncle/cousin duo from any state up North doing anything of the sort.You think 90 degrees is a mild summer heat -
Especially if you live in West Texas where it's a drier heat than on the Carcinogenic Coast, a.k.a, Houston.You’ve had to spellcheck your essay for “y’all” and “ain't”
In conversation, it is more than acceptable speech, and is encouraged, but your professors might not think so even if you attend a Texas University.The King isn’t Elvis, it's George Strait -
Sure, Elvis could play a tune, but here in Texas, George reigns sovereign and we pledge allegiance to the Hag. Plus, there seems to be a vast majority of people who'd like to see the King in office, because I've seen a lot of "George Strait for President" posters lately. Just goes to show, country music isn't just a genre, its a way of life.You've driven from sunup to sundown and still haven’t left your state -
If you’ve ever driven from Brownsville to Amarillo (I’m so sorry for you) then you know "the road goes on forever… and the party never ends" to be true, and you can sing it by heart.
You know how to pronounce Gruene, Mexia, Nacogdoches, and Luckenbach -
There are some pretty weirdly named towns out there, but as a Texan, you’ve been raised to not only pronounce them correctly but school others on their location.
You know all the words to Yellow Rose of Texas and you can AND will sing it at the drop of a hat -
The unofficial anthem of the Lonestar State and don't you forget it.
You have a tattoo of Texas, the Texas Flag, or anything relating to the Lone Star State in any form -
No other state looks as cool as ours does, and we're a proud people, so why wouldn’t you want it in ink? A friend from my high school had this awesome piece done to commemorate our high school mascot, the Rattlers, and recognize Navasota's incredible football state championship legacy.You’ve had your breath taken away by a West Texas sunset -
Again, as a Tech student, I might be a little biased, but there is NOTHING like those West Texas skies in watercolor hues.