Since the shootings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, people have flocked to Facebook and other social media platforms to voice their many opinions. I have seen some opinions that I completely agree with, and others that are completely infuriating. One common theme among all of these posts though is this: are you aware of your own privilege? Me, I am privileged, and these examples of privilege are things that have really happened to myself, or close friends. �
Because you might be privileged if:
1. Your mother has told you not to go into certain neighborhoods even though many of your classmates live there.
2. You skipped your afternoon classes regularly in high school with no questions asked.
3. You can take a walk with 5 other kids at 1:00 AM, be as loud as you want, and never be stopped by a passing police car.
4. A student of another race has been sent out of class for the same thing you're doing...but you don't even get a warning.
5. You have been pulled over while driving without serious harassment.
6. You have never felt out of place at an event on Greek Row.
7. Nobody has ever assumed you were a thug because of your skin color.
8. There is no special group dedicated to your race and heritage at your high school or college.
9. Sales people are generally polite and helpful to you.
10. Your high school security guards completely ignored you, even when you broke the rules.
11. You've never been accused of "reverse racism."
12. You've never been denied access to an advanced class because an adviser assumes you won't succeed.
13. You have never been afraid that your children will look more like yourself than your white partner.
14. You have never been laughed at for "talking white."
15. You've never been afraid that a teacher, police officer, etc. will blame you for something you didn't do.