You Might Be A Nerd If...
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You Might Be A Nerd If...

Don't deny the nerd inside.

You Might Be A Nerd If...

Anyone who knows me knows what a nerd I am. Chances are, anyone who knows me is probably a bit of a nerd themselves, whether or not they realize it. Truth be told I think each and every one of us is deep down at heart. Don't believe me? Here are some telltale signs:

You might be a nerd if...

  1. You've ever argued the 14th digit of pi
  2. Someone has asked you what your favorite season is, and you answered "six"
  3. You've memorized the periodic table
  4. You silently correct people's grammar
  5. You have ever had a Lord of the Rings marathon (bonus nerd points if it was extended edition)
  6. You've debated whether Greedo or Han Solo shot first
  7. You've memorized Walt Disney's Disneyland dedication speech
  8. You have Lord of the Rings as your ringtone, because it's one ring to rule them all
  9. You've ever subtly slipped fandom references into your school papers
  10. You dream of going to Comic Con someday
  11. Puns are your go-to humor in any situation
  12. You watch Classic Who
  13. You own a "shock blanket"
  14. You have a fear of statues
  15. You're wary when people offer you berries in case they might be Nightlock
  16. You know that "magic always comes at a price"
  17. You dream of visiting Storybrooke, Maine
  18. You never leave a Marvel movie until the very end of the credits
  19. You've sympathized with and rooted for the antagonist in a book or film
  20. You've held in a Magic: The Gathering tournament
  21. You've participated in a Quidditch match
  22. You send art history snapchats to your friends
  23. You actually enjoyed filling out reading logs in elementary school
  24. Much like Nathan Fillion, you mourn the retirement of Serenity and the Firefly crew
  25. Between Joss Whedon and Steven Moffat, you can't get attached to any characters
  26. You've named your car the Batmobile
  27. You greet friends with the Vulcan "Live Long and Prosper"
  28. You celebrate May 4th
  29. You also celebrate March 14th
  30. Your dream car is a DeLorean DMC-12, just so you can drive it 88mph
  31. You listen to instrumental soundtrack music
  32. You went through a stage where you were obsessed with Sudoku
  33. You also went through a stage where you were obsessed with the Rubik cube
  34. You're still in your Rubik cube and Sudoku stage
  35. You have cats named Merry and Pippin
  36. You collect Mouse Ears
  37. You know all the lyrics to the Psych theme song
  38. Your spirit animal is Maurice Moss from The IT Crowd
  39. You listened to Weird Al Yankovic in middle school
  40. You sing along to the Doctor Who theme song
  41. Two words: Sherlock hiatus
  42. You were in band or choir in high school
  43. Your favorite thing to watch on ESPN is the Spelling Bee
  44. You're a legal adult who owns a nerf gun
  45. You've memorized Aragorn's speech from Return of the King
  46. You've skipped do homework
  47. Extra credit gets you excited
  48. You can read and write using the Aurebesh alphabet
  49. You have ever cosplayed Anime
  50. You've ever distinguished between "geek" and "nerd"
  51. You're reading this article

Chances are, if you're reading this article because you're wondering if you're a nerd, you already know the answer. Being a nerd or geek is nothing to be ashamed of, though; embrace it, because it means you have something you are genuinely interested in and take the time to devote yourself to it. Take pride in what interests you, whether it be math, science, reading, or a fandom. Take pride in being a nerd, and be who you are.

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