Last summer when I met you at that apartments brand new pool, I had no idea the road that laid ahead of me. I didn't know that the very next day after meeting you I would be inviting you into my home or hanging out with you or the boy that you were talking to. All I knew was that I was alone. I was alone and you were a tiny blip on my radar that maybe just maybe, could become something more, and it did. We became joined at the hip, and I found a new best friend.
I told you how damaged I was, how my ex-best-friend had gotten rid of me because she hated that my boyfriend chose me. I even warned you beforehand that I might get clingy due to losing all my other best friends. But, you didn't care, and I had found myself a new best friend.
So we started to do all the things best friends should: We started sleeping over at each other's houses, we went out together, we had inside jokes, and we even had a boyband- Why Don't We- to fangirl over. I was the happiest I ever could be because I had a best friend that I'd never had before. You were cool, hilarious, and accepted me. I thought that nothing could come between us, but I was wrong.
Did you do it because I was clingy? Was it because I got awkward when talking about feelings?
I desperately want to know, but I know you won't talk to me. Too much bad blood has spilled. For nights I wondered if I could've been a better friend; if I should've been there for you when you needed help even if I was not at my best. I wanted to go back to normal: Planet Soup, the spice and the ho.
I can see clearly now. I can see who you really were. Before, I was blinded by what I wanted to see. You may have been there for me, but you never gave as much as me. You never appreciated me as much as I did you. I would drop anything for you. I drained my bank account to buy you a phone when you were kicked out, I gave you a place to stay, I bought a ticket for you to come with me to see our favorite band, and I was there whenever you needed to get away.
And how do you repay me? By dropping me like dead weight because I go into a depressing spiral for a week and talk to nobody. Do you have any idea how much that hurts?
It's okay though. I've realized that you, a princess, could never keep a loyal friend. I may be friendless now, but you are the one alone. You have your revolving door of guys, and your great job ( which I know from experience sucks ), and your friends who you talk shit with, but you are alone.
You don't have that person to lean on when times are tough, the one who will be there by your side through thick and thin. You will always chew friends up and spit them out once they give you no benefit anymore.
In five years, I'm going to be surrounded by people who care about me and you are going to be alone. So thank you for showing me that not everyone is what they appear. Thank you.