At a recent family function, I have been told that statement more than I can count on one hand. At first, I don’t believe it, because I just personally don’t see how my mother and I look that much alike; but as I think about it, there have to be some similarities for the sole fact that I am her daughter. When I am with my mother’s crazy Irish side of the family at one of their many functions, I am always told that I look just like my mom. As a young girl, I didn't really comprehend how important that statement was. As an adult, I now feel so much pride when I am told that I am the spitting image of my mother.
My mother is one of the strongest women I know. She cooks, cleans, does laundry and still finds time to do what she wants to do, which in my mom’s case is watch every single NHL hockey game that is on television. I can remember being in history class in elementary school and, when being taught about important women in history, always picturing them looking like my mom--strong, independent figures who are doing what they need and want to do with their lives. In English classes, when we were asked to write a paper on our role model, I picked my mom. There were just so many things I could write about, so many things she has done for me. It just seemed so easy.
Mothers are the most important figure in a girl’s life. They look up to them and take after them in almost everything. Because mothers are always so giving and selfless, it sets that example for young girls and shows them that it is so important to have such great qualities. Growing up, I must admit, my mother and I disagreed and fought sometimes. I would say she was being unfair, and she would say I was being a brat. But now that I have moved away and am living on my own in college, I could not thank her enough for raising me the way she did and teaching me all the important lessons that have helped me so much at college. I want nothing more than to be just like her, in the personality aspect, but also in the looks aspect, because let me just say she is the most beautiful woman.
What does it mean to you when someone tells you that you look just like your mother? Do you feel pride? Do you look at them like they’re crazy? When people say this to you, it is always a compliment. Always. Now, obviously you should look at least a little bit like your mother; she is your mother. But this statement means that they can visibly see your mother’s physical characteristics and mannerisms in you. Whether it is the way you smile, the way you squint your eyes when you do so, or even just the way you speak or carry yourself. The person saying this to you most likely admires your mother and are sharing with you that they see that admiration with you too.