As surreal as it may seem at times, college life reflects the real world in various aspects. Of course, depending on your school, it is extremely diverse with people from all over the world, coming together to make something of themselves, and we see more of that as time goes on. We see this diversity, more likely than not, for the rest of our lives.
Yes, there are those that will argue that College Is Not An Excuse To Lose Your Self-Respect. But college is about educating yourself, taking the time every day to learn something new and build an understanding of the world around you step by step, until you're handed your diploma to take on the rest of your life. But with all of that being said, one aspect of college is often belittled, mocked, and discussed only for its flaws: the party scene.
For my school, people often consider partying and attending the actual university to go hand in hand. They give you a smirk when you say "I go to UMass" and steer any hopes of a serious conversation towards questions about your night life. You laugh it off and tell a story, blush and try to avoid the question, or you bluntly deny ever attending a party in your entire life. However you may react to these questions or comments, one thing to keep in mind is this: Everything you do during your four years here, academically or not, is helping you take that next big step whenever that may be.
By this article, I'm not trying to say you should ditch your responsibilities and go on a bender twice a week. Like anything, (including studying, mind you) it's all about moderation and finding that even balance between work and play. But sometimes we intertwine the two without even noticing, and it's these moments that can change our lives. You go out for a beer one night in the city and end up taking shots with an individual who just so happens to be the person who can get you that internship you never thought you'd have a chance of getting. You decide to attend a party at a mutual friend's house just for something to do on a Friday night, and you leave having just met your future spouse. These are just two hypothetical instances, but it's that sense of being up for whatever that is all fun and games until it changes your life forever.
Now, most would read that previous statement and immediately assume the worst by having a life-changing moment while partying, and that's what is wrong with the perception of college kids enjoying themselves and going out. There is absolutely no denying that academics are the most important part of going to college, because that's where we make our futures happen and build a lifelong foundation on paper. But even an aspiring high school teacher can admit that there are some things that merely cannot be taught in a classroom. Getting those good grades and educating yourself can sometimes stand on two completely different platforms. There's always the chance that you'll be out with your friends and see bad things around you. That doesn't mean you all automatically succumb to or be associated with that negativity. Watch the people around you and be aware of your surroundings, because we can just as easily learn from the wrong as we do from the right.
Partying is a big aspect of social life in college. It is not a necessary one, as I'm sure many people who opt out of going out have found individual success their own way. But if you're someone who's hitting the books hard Monday through Wednesday, holding on until the end of Thursday, and managing a decent finish by Friday afternoon, then don't ever be apologetic for enjoying that weekend. We're here for four years to make something of ourselves, to grow intellectually, but also characteristically. We won't always know what life is going to throw our way, but like 11:00 on a Friday night, we are still young.