Having grown up dancing, I have been around my fair share of trinas. In fact, if I’m being honest, I have trina tendencies as well. Here are 9 things that are true of all trinas.
1. You know what Trina means.
Trina ("ballerina in training") is commonly used in a joking manner to describe someone who sleeps, eats, and breathes ballet.
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2. You love it when you pop your back, neck, or hip joints.
There's nothing more satisfying than hearing your joint pop! A trina will shamelessly do this around the studio or in public.
3. You find yourself standing in a turned-out position on the reg.
Because it has been ingrained into you, you naturally find yourself walking, standing, and just existing in a turned-out position, even when you aren't in ballet class.
4. You own and religiously use your foot stretcher.
A foot stretcher is this weird contraption used by many dancers to improve and stretch the feet and is a must for a trina.
5. You like to spend your free time watching full-length ballets and probably get way too emotional about it.
Instead of going out to a party or to see a movie, a trina will stay in and watch a classical ballet, fan girl/boy hardcore, and love every minute of it.
6. You either insult or praise other dancers by using the terms "biscuit feet" or "banana feet".
A trina loves to throw these phrases around. Being told you have biscuit feet is a complete diss, while being told you have banana feet is quite the compliment.
7. You know what farches are.
Every dancer aspires to have beautiful arches. Farches, aka fake arches, are attachable arch enhancers and you bet a Trina knows all about them!
8. You live for the World-Wide Ballet broadcast.
This is a once a year event that celebrates dance by giving viewers an inside look into the world’s top companies. A true trina will anticipate that day and make a viewing event out of it.
9. You couldn't imagine your life without ballet.
Even when you have a tough day at ballet, you can’t imagine what it would be like not to dance again. Ballet does not define you but is undoubtedly a major part of who you are.