There's something so special about being in a sorority. There are thousands of girls, girls you've never even met before, carrying around the same ideals, values, and history as you, all because of an organization you joined in college. You hear the same rituals, listen to the same stories, and idolize the same founders who discovered your organization over a hundred years ago. Tri Delta is no different! Although all Deltas are unique, there are a few things that we all have in common.
You know you're a Tri Delta if...
1. Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Dorcas Pond are ultimate goals.
You show me two twenty year olds who are able to develop an organization based on a woman’s ideals rather than their physical appearance, create sacred rituals and constitutions, and design meaningful symbols, and passwords based on Greek Mythology, Egyptian Lore, Astronomy, and Hindu Mysticism. You can’t, because that is completely unheard of. Every Tri Delta secretly (or not so secretly) wishes we could be Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Dorcas Pond and for obvious reasons.
2. Triangles have a whole new meaning to you.
To you, they’re not even triangles anymore, they’re Deltas and you will probably refer to them as Deltas until the day you die. Not only are they embedded on nearly everything you own, anything you see in a store that’s covered in Deltas, you feel slightly obligated to buy it. The symbol is more than just a shape to you, it’s a lifestyle.
3. The T-Shirt Swap Facebook page might be the best thing to happen to you... just maybe not your bank account.
It’s the one-stop shop for all the newest and cutest Delta swag. You can always guarantee that when you get on Facebook, there will be a new comfort colors shirt or adorable tank top that you can’t help but splurge on. No matter how much your wallet is urging you to unfollow the page, you just can’t find the willpower to actually do it.
4. You think St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is the best place in the entire world.
You adore everything that Danny Thomas has envisioned and will talk anyone’s ear off about the magic that is created there. Simply seeing a picture or video of the kiddos being treated, or even seeing the St. Jude logo on a Domino’s pizza box or while eating at Chili's completely makes your day. There are honestly no words to describe the passion Tri Deltas have for St. Jude and its patients.
5. You can now speak Greek! Or at least a phrase or two...
The hardest part of being a new member was trying to read and figure out how to pronounce our open motto. Now that it’s burned into your memory, you’ll never forget the importance of it. “Let us steadfastly love one another” is what this entire organization was originally based on and has been embedded in the brain and heart of each and every member.
6. Tri Delta Tuesday is your favorite day of the week.
As if you needed an excuse to post another throwback to bid day or a cute “throw what you know” pic, now there’s a special day of the week for you to do so! You have absolutely no problem sporting your letters around campus or bombarding social media with your pride and reminding all of your followers (which are probably mostly Deltas anyway) just how awesome your sorority is.
7. Pancake Breakfast is like a second Christmas.
Because who doesn’t like pancakes and helping out the kids at St. Jude? This is the biggest event on your chapter’s calendar and it’s something that not only your house but the entire community looks forward to. You may be exhausted and you’ll smell like pancake batter and syrup for days after the event, but it’s totally worth it.
8. You'll never get tired of hearing the stories behind all of Tri Delta's symbols.
Whether it’s the reasoning behind the pearl, pine, and pansy, stories about Poseidon, or even how the colors of Delta were chosen, you love how much thought went into this organization’s upbringing. Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Dorcas Pond really knew what they were doing because each symbol that Delta represents has special meaning and importance. *snaps to Sarah and Eleanor*
9. You are incredibly superstitious about things being in threes.
Call it what you will, but things are just better if grouped in threes. Whether it is the number of Alex and Ani bracelets you’re wearing or if you see three birds flying in the sky, you see it as a good sign and know it’ll be a good day. Don’t try and call it crazy, we already know.
10. Lastly, you now are in the habit of signing every text, Facebook post, and email with DLAM.
Half of the time you don’t even realize you’re doing it, and when you accidentally send or say it a non-Delta friend, you then have to explain what it means. It’s a simple form of endearment that is subtle but meaningful and it’s another habit you’ll somehow have to break when you go alum.
Delta has history, rituals, traditions, and values that we're all proud to represent. The friendships are perpetual, the love is steadfast, and it'll forever be a part of us, way past our collegiate years! There are dozens of sororities and they're all unique in their own way, but something about Tri Delta is incredibly special, but I guess I'm biased.
Delta Love and All Mine.