You Know You're a Tomboy If... | The Odyssey Online
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You Know You're a Tomboy If...

Being the black sheep in this feministic society of high cultural standards is hard as hell.

You Know You're a Tomboy If...
Sarah Pietricola

Being the black sheep in this feministic society of high cultural standards is hard as hell. It seems like women have this new need for eyebrows, Kylie Jenner lips, big booties and a delicate balance between being a prude and a slut. And if you’re a woman, you’re expected to like things like heels, purses, shopping or painting your nails. But what about the girls that are different? What about the girls that like to hang with the boys and work on trucks? What about the girls who love sports and wear their hats backwards while they slip their muddy boots on? Some of us just don’t fit the mold. And you know you’re a tomboy if,

You’re the friend who kills bugs.

Chances are, out of the small group of females you do hang out with, one of them is going to have a deathly fear of creepy critters. And they all know who to call for the job. Got a spider in your room or a snake by your car? Step aside, you got it.

You’d be cool with wearing a tee-shirt and jeans for the rest of your life.

And actually, we’d prefer it. Sure we’ll wear cute clothes when we can and force ourselves into dresses when it’s necessary. But nothing beats a baggy old tee and some cozy jeans.

Your shoe collection is lacking.

There’s always a 50/50 shot your footwear is a pair of sneakers or old boots. And then there’s a good chance half of them are muddy too.

People think you're weird for having boyish hobbies.

So you shoot at cans with little BB guns, play softball or four wheel through the mud in the spring? So you play video games or swear like a sailor? The fact that you do things you enjoy is all that truly matters.

You love hanging with your boys.

Yes we have “boys” and they're so fun to be around. They make you feel more comfortable and more like yourself than anyone else.

You actually comprehend sports.

While most girls hate having to watch football or sit through a game of baseball, you try your best to stay knowledgeable about scoring and rules. Sometimes you gotta just have fun!

You never pay more than you should for a bra.

Let’s be real, most of our bras are probably sports bras anyway and we probably all got them from the clearance rack at Walmart. Nevertheless, all bras serve the same purpose, so why not get a cheap one?

You have a wallet, not a purse.

We aren’t into big bulky purses. A little old wallet for the basics will suffice! Besides, purses are super expensive and tomboys ain’t about that life.

It’s hard fitting in, but you don’t really mind.

Tomboys are rare finds and sometimes that’s a good thing! Standing out in the crowd is what makes you special and boys that are smart enough to see a girl like you for who you are, are the real winners. But us tomboys know that no matter what is said about us or what others think, doesn’t matter because we are pros at rejecting societal norms.

You’ve intimidated a lot of men.

Strong, independent, wild and otherwise different women like tomboys are scary. The ironic thing about us is, men spend just as much time chasing us as they do running away. I guess we just need to come across braver men!

You’d chose a bonfire chill session over a night out any day.

There’s just something about s’mores, smoke-scented clothes and vicious mosquitos that make a true tomboy happy. It seems as though the best memories come from having nothing else to do besides stare at flames and talk. Sometimes it’s the little things.

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