Students all across the country have big dreams about the Big Apple. Being in theatre means more than dancing around in sparkly costumes on a big stage and winning Tony awards. The college process can be a giant whirlwind of emotions, so now imagine adding about 50 different emotions from the various characters who you play in a show. Being a theatre major is something special. In those 4 years at college you grow into the performer who you have always wanted to be. This is how you know that you are a theatre major.
1. You love having your picture taken.
As a theatre major, you need head shots. As you grow and change, you need to get new head shots to account for your changing appearance. This cycle leads to a feeling of glamour when you get those shots taken.
2. You talk to yourself.
Every time that you have an audition, or are in the process of memorizing lines, you spend every moment of your time walking across campus rehearsing. It never matters how many strange looks you get.
3. Breaking into song is normal.
You and your friends have all heard the original Broadway recording hundreds of times. You could sing each and every part backwards and forwards if need be.
4. You have a love/hate relationship with rehearsals.
You fall in love the show, the characters, and the people in the cast, but sometimes, especially when you are deep in tech week and 8 hours rehearsals, you just want a break.
5. You try to hit the same notes as the Broadway legends.
It doesn't always work out the way that you planned.
6. You enjoy playing the "crazy" characters.
The crazier that the character seems, the more emotional depth and interesting back stories that there are to delve into and discover. It's basically an actor's dream.
7. You've done too many actor's workbooks to count.
To be honest, you're probably really tired of answering "what kind of animal represents your character." But, as much as you hate to admit it, they actually really do help.
8. You're constantly looking for new audition music.
It has to be in your range, in the right key, and you must be able to belt it out, but still show off your emotional sensitivity without becoming too "breathy."
9. Your final exams consist of performances.
People always say "ugh you're so lucky," but it's not exactly a walk in the park to delve into the deepest parts of your consciousness, expose yourself for all to watch, and then get graded on it.
10. You've found your home.
You found the one thing that makes you feel like you're doing something right. You could never imagine your life without it and you can't wait to graduate and go off into the world and perform like you know you were born to.