"Charmed," an original series on the CW, was just announced a prequel reboot to be happening and coming to us in the near future. That is wonderful but you really should watch the original and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend this action packed, drama filled with comedy that will tug at your heartstrings. With that, I figured that we should take it back to the original series with the original characters, due to the reboot being made before the original story, it's unlikely that they will use original characters.
For those who don't know, "Charmed" was a show about the three (four actually) Halliwell sister witches that face demons and save the world every week. Each sister had their own power, and were very different from one another, Prue, the oldest, and used telekinesis, Piper, middle sister, froze things and blew things up, Pheobe, the second youngest, had premonitions and could levitate, and lastly Paige, the youngest, who could move things by orbing. I figured that with that, many friend groups are split the same way, and every person is one of these girls, so this is for you original fans out here.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You know that you aren't the most optimistic person in the group, but you're the peacemaker, and the one who takes every option into consideration, especially when there are multiple options/situations.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You never take yourself TOO seriously, and you have your blonde moments here and there.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You know your place and for those who don't...you set them straight with a little sass.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You're the mom when you need to be. Forget it, you're just the mom of the group, and that's okay.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You take charge when flung into the position.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You can be brutally honest when need be, and you certainly will tell it how it is.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You put your loved ones before yourself, and that's just how it has always been.
You know you're the Piper Halliwell of your friend group when...
You learn from your mistakes, and pass on the lessons that you've learned to younger generations, and not only solidify your leadership in the group, your motherly qualities, but also show that no matter how far in life you are, you will remain close to those you love.
If you have any of these qualities, you sure are the Piper of your friend group, and your other friends, Pheobe, Prue, and Paige all love you for you. Keep being who you are and never let that go! Again, if you haven't watched the original series you can on Netflix, so go watch! Blessed be!