1. Y'all is a vital part of your vocabulary
Y'all, y'all've, y'all'd've
2. You can eat Mexican food for every meal with no shame
And why wouldn't you want to? Breakfast tacos, chips and queso, fajitas, quesadillas- YUM
3. You measure distance in hours, not miles
"I'm about an hour away", "Houston is 5 hours from Dallas"...
4. Road trips are usually in state
When every habitat is in one state, why would you want to go anywhere else?
5. There is a distinct difference between Dallas and Fort Worth
And you make sure people know it (especially if you're from there, like yours truly)
6. No matter how bad they do, you will always route for the Cowboys
Love my Boys. Goodbye Romo
7. You know what mums are and how to make them Texas- style
You know, those big expensive things with lights, bells, feathers, sometimes fish, candy, or speakers that you wear on Homecoming then hang on your wall.
8. Out of staters look at you like you're crazy when you try to explain what a mum is
I just show them a picture on google then laugh at their reaction
9. You DON'T ride a horse to school (in most places)
But sometimes it's fun to trick people hehe
10. You've been two-stepping at least once
And it's one of the few times you break out those trusty cowboy boots
11. Baseball and football are more than just sports
It's a lifestyle
12. You defend Texas even if you're not its biggest fan
No, I don't like living here but don't say that
13. People are surprised you don't have a country accent
Enough said
14. You're very picky about your barbecue
Just grilling a couple burgers is not a barbecue
15. You don't actually swim in Galveston's beaches
And why would you want to?
16. In the Spring you have to decide whether you want to freeze in the morning or melt in the afternoon
It's a daily struggle
17. You check the weather every few hours because it's probably showing something different than it was earlier
Remember when it was 80º and then the next day it was snowing? In May?
18. You had to recite the Texas Pledge every day since kindergarten
Apparently Texas is the only state with a Pledge??
19. Snow doesn't exist- it's ice
And it only takes a little bit for school to be cancelled (my high school bullied our district into letting us out... many times)
20. You're proud to be from Texas
It is the best, after all