It's that time to write an article about a show that has all the 'fandoms' crying, laughing, and just plain "shipping." Yes, that is correct I am talking about "Doctor Who." A very popular show from The BBC Channel. This article is about our obsession with "Doctor Who" with GIFS!
You know you are obsessed with Doctor Who when...
You think bowties are cool
You think fezzes are cool
You frequently tap things in the Master's drum rhythm

Anytime someone mentions pears you say 'I hate pears' even if you like them
Anytime anyone mentions bananas you say 'bananas are good' and/or 'always take a banana to a party' even if you don't like them

You spontaneously quote the show in conversations
You think Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All is a good name for a baby

You have fantasies about being the Doctor/ the Doctor's companion
You've had Who themed dreams
You think no wedding is complete without a T.A.R.D.I.S.

You've danced like the Doctor at Amy's wedding
You've run around a room with a pen pretending it's a sonic screwdriver
You can't sleep at night because you're thinking about a list of how obsessed you are with Doctor Who
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