Welcome to the amazing world of being an intern. Whether this is your first internship or one of many, you will probably relate to many of these.
1. You are constantly referred to as "the intern"
"Intern" is now the name you answer to. This is your title for the summer, and you yourself frequently introduce yourself as "Summer Intern" instead of your own name. Whoops.
2. You've mastered the art of looking extremely engaged... No matter what
Whether it's a long meeting you have to sit through or an informational talk that just won't seem to end, you have mastered the art of not falling asleep and trying to look as engaged as possible. Whether nodding or jotting down notes, no one knows you're dying inside, except you.
3. Compliments fuel you better than a venti Starbucks Black-eye ever could
Every time you get frustrated, you just remind yourself that your supervisor told you that you did a good job the other day. That itself gives you the fuel to carry through another long day. Point blank, there is nothing better than hearing a compliment from your co-interns or your supervisor on your hard work.
4. You've gotten ready in less than 10 minutes – and still looked good
Whether it was from pushing the snooze too many times or just pure laziness, you have mastered the art of quickly and efficiently getting ready. Eating cereal while ironing and simultaneously putting on makeup takes pure skill, one you have mastered by week 2 of your internship. Now if you could only write THAT on a resume.
5. You have a "Wait I have to do what?" moment at least once a week
Whether it was finding out that the project you thought you had ample amount of time to do is due in two days, or hearing about a task you have to undertake, you are familiar with this face of pure terror and panic.Good thing that never stops you from getting done what has to be done!
6. When people ask you "What are you doing this summer?" you basically sing Rihanna's song "Work" to them
Interning has made you relate to this song on a spiritual level. Interning takes way more time and energy than you thought it would. Who would've thought an internship was so much work, work, work, work, work?
All jokes aside, an internship is an incredible opportunity. Interning is a great experience, one that can shape you, change you, and grow you as a leader, student, and an individual. Wherever you're interning this summer, make sure you soak it all in! While you're wrapping up the internship, make sure you take advantage of every opportunity given to you.
Happy interning