Located in the more deserty part of Washington state, Pasco, Richland, and Kennewick are what make up the Tri-Cities. Like every town, there are ups and downs, but this is your hometown so you have to love it and that's just how it works. Here are a few things that we all know and love and made our childhoods memorable, to say the least. There never really was a lot to do here, but you made the most of it. After moving away from the Tri-Cities, you actually miss it. (Crazy, I know, but it's the truth.)
1. "I'm from Washington state." "Oh, you must get a lot of rain there!"
Yeah, no. We're not in the lush and green part of Washington everyone usually picture. We have tumbleweeds and real hot summers. It's okay though because we love it. (Right, guys? Guys?)
2. Growing up, the Blue Bridge was so much fun to drive over.
For whatever reason, being a child made driving over bridges 1000 times more fun. You were literally driving over the Columbia River, how cool?
3. You always wanted to preform in the Fingernail.
Don't pretend like you didn't want all eyes on you in the weirdest, coolest, most strange looking stage, ever. Don't even lie to me right now.
4. The Rollarena was THE place to be.
Birthday parties, field trips, or just skating the night away, this was the ultimate jam. Grabbing an Icee with your friends or buying some cheap plastic that lit up were also perks of going here.
5. Howard. Amon. Park.
Only the best park to exist. Located right on the Columbia river, you could swim there or bike alongside it with friends. (Or, in some cases, Razor scooter along it because you were nothing and went nowhere without your Razor scooter, like me.) The park itself was honestly the best. There was the big sturgeon fish statue, rock climbing, zip lining, tire swings, slides, and even a little teeny tiny water park.
6. Getting to visit Seattle often because it's pretty dang close.
Living about 3 and a half hours away from the Emerald City was one of my favorite things about living the Tri-Cities growing up. This meant my family and I got to see Seattle and all of its rainy glory fairly often. I have to say, getting to see Pike's Place Market and the gum wall at a young age made me appreciate the art of it all.
7. The Spudnut Shop, which housed the best donuts ever.
Only the most delicious potato flour donuts you could ever get your hands on. I remember my grandma taking me here after school and being the happiest little 8 year old alive.
8. The Playground of Dreams where dreams really came true.
I'm not crying, you are. I miss this playground so much. I could spend hourshere. In fact, I did. I remember countless field trips to this playground. It truly was the playground of dreams.
9. Spending your cold hard cash at the Uptown Shopping Center.
The Uptown Shopping Center had many small local businesses inside and it was the best place to walk around while your mom shopped.
10. The Boat Races
Going to the boat races was one of my favorite things growing up. Did you even live in the Tri-Cities if you never went to the boat races?
Overall, the Tri-Cities may seem kind of lame, but looking back when we were growing up, I'm so happy to call this place my hometown.