You're well cultured and unique in many aspects. However, you've never quite fit into the American culture as seamlessly as some of your fellow American peers. You've always been just slightly different. And even though people may assume that you're American, often times, they don't even know the half of it.
1.You know one or more foreign languages.
Not knowing another language wasn’t even an option. Not today. Not Ever.
2. You probably went to Saturday Language school.
And you probably hated every second of it back then, but are more than thankful for it as an adult. You also probably cringed a little too when you first read that…
3.You’ve been asked by your friends to say a word in your language.
Andddd just for a second or two, you got to be the cool kid.
4. Your last name almost always gets butchered.
And you probably always stopped your teacher while calling role right before they got to your last name, just to spare their dignity.
5. Traveling abroad consisted of visiting everyone in your family rather than going to see all of the typical touristy places.
But going to visit your family abroad was really just another excuse to take a vacation.
6. Your life investment is your Education.
Straight A’s weren’t an accomplishment, they were expected. School always came first.
7. You pronounce certain English words awkwardly.
And you probably get your English sentence structure/word order just a little jumbled up every so often because of how many languages you know.
8. You have a very broad palate and will eat just about anything.
Cow intestines? Pickle soup? Yum. What a delicacy.
9. Cooking is an extra curricular activity.
Making anything pre-made, frozen, or out of a box is a sin. But you really can’t complain because your house always smells delicious.
10. Your parents probably had no idea what the SAT/ ACT was.
And you probably had to figure out how to get into college all on your own.
11. You always take your shoes off when you visit another person's house.
Just out of habit.
12. Your wardrobe has always consisted of clothing from around the world.
So essentially, you either always look chic and dapper when you go out, or like a hopeless 90’s kid.
13. You’re known as the “American” among your entire family.
And America is just this mysterious place that none of your relatives understand completely.
14. You embody a mashup of different cultures.
But no matter what, you wouldn’t have it any other way. It has made you who you are.