We are the few, the proud, the Starbucks baristas. We wake up well before dawn in order for people to have their morning sustenance, we strike up friendly conversations with our customers, and we provide our clientele with a "third place" between home and work where they can feel comfortable enjoying their beverage. I feel as though there is an unwritten code, almost like a brother/sisterhood of Starbucks baristas, even if we live across the country from one another. We all don on our green aprons, give people their caffeine fix, and share similar struggles, laughs, and "Starbucks-isms." Here are some ways you know you're a barista at Starbucks.
1. You find black Sharpies everywhere.
You find them in your car, in your room, in your backpack... basically anywhere except for when you really need one: when you're marking cups.
2. Your hands look like this after a day of marking cups.
Every damn time.
3. You leave work reeking of coffee.
You never thought that coffee could smell bad until you get out of an 8 hour shift and you smell it all over your body.
4. You're no stranger to this struggle.
Five. Years. Later...
5. You've burned yourself while taking food out of this oven.
But it doesn't even phase you anymore.
6. You've made a caramel macchiato with extra, extra, EXTRA caramel.
7. But they want even MORE caramel, so you're like...
Would you like some coffee with your caramel?
8. When someone forgets to charge the whipped cream and you wonder why the canister is full but nothing is coming out...
Charge your whips, y'all...
9. When you say "what size?" for the 18th time.
Yes, I know you want a decaf, two pump, nonfat, extra hot, no foam, no whip white mocha, but I can't start to mark your cup until you tell me what size!
10. You relate to this on a spiritual level.
11. You say "behind," "to your right," "to your left," at every place imaginable.
Oh, the world of organized chaos.
12. When people yell at you over trivial things like the world is about to end and you're just like...
13. When you're on bar and the Mastrena is being needy.
Especially when it's peak and you have 20 drinks that need to be made.
14. You're used to insane mobile orders.
Why do we give people the power?
15. You have been a victim of Matchathelioma, or the "Matcha cloud of death."
And mochathelioma.
16. We have definitely spelled your name wrong before.
And it may or may not have been on purpose. #oops
17. You get really excited whenever your latte art is on point.
And then you proceed to take a picture of your ~art~ and show your ~masterpiece~ off to all of your partners.
18. You can't contain your excitement when you make the perfect flat white dot.
My precious microfoam. Yaaaaaaaaaaas.
19. Despite how stressful the job may seem sometimes, you just remember that it's only coffee, and you have the best co-workers in the world.