Whether you're a formal cardinal or a current cardinal, you know you went to Greenwich High School when...
1. When... the fan student section is rowdier than most professional sports games. Also, puck the wave.
2. When... you've spent hours complaining that you didn't have a parking spot, only to see that kids in the grades below you are parking in the student lot.
3. When... “This is a code red lock down please follow the code red lockdown procedure” and “Let’s make it a great day” are both stuck in your head for eternity.
4. When... you can get through a crowd of 2,500 people in less than 30 seconds. Or make it from Bella to the Science wing in under 3 minutes.
5. When... the science wing is either negative 10 degrees or a sauna. There is no in between.
6. When... you aren’t sure if the student parking lot is a Jeep, Audi, or BMW dealership.
7. When... the answer to the question, “next what you having” is obviously “a chocolate chip muffin.”
8. When... the majority of your classmates are Vineyard Vines’ best customers.
9. When... an “open” consists of going to either Rinaldi’s or Corbos.
10. When... you’ve had to go to school with a high fever because of the ridiculous attendance policy.
11. When... the outside of the school can easily be mistaken for a prison but we still chose to spend approximately $43.7 million on MISA.
12. When... you know that your time at Greenwich High School will always be a part of you.