Drew University is that small liberal arts school that nobody has ever heard of and you have to explain to everybody. Between the squirrels, commons, and interactions with public safety we each have our own unique stories and experiences, but there are some things that no matter who you are we'll always remember as part of our time in The Forest.
1. You have "the speech" memorized, and are prepared to give it whenever necessary.
"It's a small liberal arts college in Madison, N.J."
2. You've referred to the commons as vommons.
And for good reason.
3. Unless, of course, it's Nugget Day or Taco Tuesday.
Then, it's a cause for celebration, and multiple plates are a necessity
4. Everyone knows all of your business.
No secret is safe, ever.
5. The a cappella concerts have a higher turnout than any sporting event.
And you don't see anything wrong with it.
6. You have a picture on top of Francis Asbury's horse.
And if you don't have one yet, it's on your list.
7. You could have written an entire senior thesis while waiting for stir fry.
And if you're old enough to remember that thesis is probably on how great it was when you could cook your own eggs and stir fry.
8. You know what the sketchy liquor store is.
And you make your friends jealous by coming home with more alcohol mercy than you know what to do with.
9. But when you and your friends are feeling classy, you treat yourself to a cheese tour at Gary's.
And you promise yourself that, someday, when you have a real job you'll actually buy yourself nice cheese.
10. You spend the entire year training for Sloppy Saturday.
And despite all that bringing you always seem to humiliate yourself
11. You leave your phone and wallet to mark your spot at a table.
And nobody thinks twice about it.
12. You've braved the hungover walk to Bagel Chat.
And regretted it until the first bit of your breakfast sandwich.
13. Probably after drunkenly ordering a Fatty.
And experienced a weird mixture of self-loathing and loving while stuffing your face full of chicken fingers, marinara sauce, french fries, and happiness.
14. You understand that walking down the hill to commons means certain death on an icy morning.
And it makes you question whether brunch is actually worth it.
15. And as the best meal of the week it totally is.
Bring on the tater tots!
15. You've gotten lost in the Hall of Sciences or the Doyo.
Maybe both, probably both... definitely both.
16. You judge the freshmen who keep their ID on a lanyard.
Even though you definitely did, and it's not something you're proud of.
17. Dollar beers is the social event of the week.
And you spend your underage years dreaming of the day you finally get to go.
19. You've been attacked by falling acorns and leaves.
Multiple times.
20. If you hear, "Let's Drew This" one more time you'll lose it.
Or any other Drew pun, for that matter.