If you attend Bowling Green State University, you may have said once or twice about how boring and/or how you can’t wait to leave this small cornfield-of-a-town. Whether you’re an Alumni or simply on break, you will start to miss the small joys BGSU and the town itself has to offer, when…
1) You order a small ice cream cone or blizzard at your hometown (or any corporate run DQ) and actually get a “small size” cone or blizzard opposed to a "mount Everest large" from the wonderful Myles DQ.
"Yeah, imma' need you to refill my cone please."
2) You receive snap chats from friends who still live in BG over the summer and who always use the new Bowling Green filters. Let’s be honest, a little bit of us on the inside is excited to slap that filter on and show everyone we’re back in our personal sin city.
"This spaghetti is obviously way more interesting to look at since we know it was made in BG."
3) Meal plan is slightly better than having to cook for yourself. Yes, it is the biggest love/hate relationship you can have. But it lets our inner "basic-self" shine during the day at Starbucks and Marco's Pizza at night. On the other hand, while the dining halls practically murder your digestive system after every encounter, you have to admit, you kind of miss waking up at 1 p.m. to an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet and reminiscing on your clown-self from the night before.
"Unlimited breakfast will be the death of my arteries ."
4) You see someone rocking BGSU apparel, and think to yourself or say out-loud “I go there too!” (admit it, or not). In that moment, you get those proud school spirit feels.
*Insert spirit fingers to each other*
5. You crave cookies at 1 a.m, then realize Cookie Jar doesn’t deliver outside of Bowling Green, Ohio. So you eat them in your dreams…
6) No Mexican restaurant stands a chance between El Zarape. Whether you failed an exam, it’s your 21st birthday or just any day (lets be honest), the only thing on your mind is a Monster Marg.
“ I'll have two please!”
7) You’re 21 & older, and end up at a bougie bar in a city that charges you for your presence. You have two thoughts: “Ain’t nobody got time or no money for that”, and "BG doesn't charge,what is this so called 'life' right now?" Now, If you're under 21, then sticking to house parties may be your only resort if you're not in BG.
"Either way, pass the tequila ASAP"
8) The crazy man on your local corner doesn't quite give you the "live reality show" Bible Bob and his squad does.
His signature sign "You Deserve Hell" really means "You deserve the warmth of fire to set the mood."
9) You realize the people you've met, and the friends you’ve made at BGSU are pretty rad individuals. From spending endless hours selling baked goods at the union circle supporting a cause and/or their philanthropy, to rallying for human rights.
"This dollar is supposed to last until lunch, but brownies though..."
10) You look back on photos, and reminisce on the memories you've made in Bowling Green Ohio, and you realize the lifetime friends you've gained, and the people you've met along your journey are the reason you miss BGSU the most.
Though fields of corn and soybeans may override the percentage of civilians. Once you leave, it'll always have a special place in your heart.