Resting B*tch Face - "A person, girl especially, whose regular facial expression makes them look like a b*tch."
You walk around looking angry and as if you hate the world - in reality, you could actually be having the best day ever. Nobody would ever know that though, because you've got Resting B*tch Face.
People tell you to smile more
And then you look crazy when you do. Maybe you should stop worrying about my face?!
You're constantly asked, "What's wrong?"
What's wrong is I'm asked this a million times a day - I'm fine. Really.
"You're much prettier when you smile!"
Good to know, I was worried about impressing everyone!
You have no idea how angry you actually look until you look in a mirror...
"I thought you hated me when I first met you!"
People always think you're miserable in social settings
Your most used phrase is, "That's just my face."
The struggle of having RBF is real. But hey, at the end of the day, you'll have less wrinkles. Frown on, ladies.
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