Oh, the classic tale of a young Christian. Your home church was really your home, and the people in it your family. You might be surprised though that many of the adventures and moments you've experienced in church, other Christians have experienced as well. So here you go. Fifteen examples. Let's dive on in. You know you grew up in church when:
1. You've been in church since you can remember.
Literally, you may have been birthed in your church's sanctuary.
2. You've been in more Christmas plays than there are "Fast & Furious" movies.
To the boy in the gray hoodie... I feel you man.
3. Someone could play any song and you would know some killer hand motions to go along with it. It's NBD really.
4. You've been forced to sing in the choir way too many times and have been yelled at by older choir ladies way too many times.
5. Easter Sunday egg hunts were 'technically' for the guests, but you still participated anyways.
Yes, most of the eggs just had tootsie rolls or some other irrelevant candy in them, but that didn't stop you!
6. You had weekly visits to the 'craft lady.' You know who I'm talkin' about.
When she wasn't there, you went and bothered the library lady.
7. One of your friends has broken an arm, leg, finger, etc. because of a wild youth group game.
Then, everyone got mad at them because the game became banned due to their injury. Why'd they have to ruin the fun for everyone!
8. Youth camp was a time to go crazy after Jesus and simultaneously search for a bae...
Yes, that is me top row, 4th girl in... 6th grade was rough time OK.
Where else were you gonna do it? You had known your youth friends way too long and now they were basically family to you... you can't have a crush on your brother!
9. Stealing goldfish/ animal crackers/ juice from the nursery was a ritual.
Come on, you were at church all day, and you needed the energy.
10. The annual church picnic was your favorite Sunday of the year because it was the only Sunday your parents let you wear shorts to church.
You got to even show off that new Aeropostale tee!
11. You and your crew stared down your friend if the pastor mentioned their name during a sermon.
Of course, the pastor was talking about a book of the Bible or a Bible character, but STILL. Poor Luke...
12. The church after hours was your dominion.
Especially lock-ins. You ran the show.
13. You have at least once bragged to your friends that you got to do puppetry at church.
It was an honor! You were no longer the child laughing at the puppets, you were the puppet.
14. You ate leftover communion bread and grape juice after service.
Again, you were a hungry kid, and we all know that all church kitchens have are old wooden spoons and dirty microwaves from the '80s in them.
15. You feel blessed to have grown up in such a positive and God-oriented environment.
If it weren't for your parents dragging you some Sundays (and Wednesdays, and Saturdays, and every other day of the week for that matter) to church, you might not be the passionate follower of Christ you are today! Go thank them. After all, these were some of the best years of your life.