1. You avoid Cardiac Hill at all costs.
2. Snowdays are spent sledding at the marching band practice field.
3. Late night breakfast is the highlight of finals week because of free food.
4. RIP Slingers and $5 AYCD.
5. You are #blessed that your meal plan works at Starbucks.
6. The Subway line is terrible from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
7. So. Many. Hills. And. Stairs.
8. If you're Greek, bid day is like Christmas.
9. SEMO Gas.
10. Water week 2k14 and all the snowdays/snow weeks were the best weeks ever.
11. You only still go to the opening week events because free food and free stuff.
12. Once it hits 60 degrees in the spring, girls break out their Nike running shorts and the residents on Greek Hill blast their sound systems.
13. T-Shirt Tuesdays.
14. When you see a huge group of girls in costume or dressed to a theme, you know it's a shot night.
15. Rhodey Sodies are a necessity.
16. Towers breakfast being the best thing ever after a night out.
17. You constantly say that Cape isn't a real place.