If you attend Winona State University, here is just a quick list of 14 things you will most likely be able to relate to or you may have experienced some at least once:
1. You are most likely from Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin or Iowa.
2. You have the greatest group of friends ever.
3. You can walk from one class to another in literally 3 minutes tops.
4. You get asked if your parties are even fun because it’s such a small school.
5. …And when someone actually visits they are surprised at how lit our weekends actually are.
6. Unless it’s homecoming, you don’t usually attend football games.
7. You own a lot of purple.
8. It's almost always assumed by other people that when you say you attend Winona State they automatically think you’re a nursing student, even if you aren’t.
9. You have hiked the bluffs many times.
10. You are bound to see at least one person you know when walking from class to class or just being on campus.
11. It's such a pretty campus and the views of the bluffs make it that much better.
12. You have taken huge L’s on homecoming weekend, a three day weekend, a holiday, or sometimes just any weekend in general.
13. You sometimes wish you lived in a bigger town or went to a different school but then remember how much you love Winona State.
14. It's so cold in the winter you find yourself thinking, "why do I live here?"