You Know You Are Cuban When... | The Odyssey Online
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You Know You Are Cuban When...

30 signs that show you are Cuban.

You Know You Are Cuban When...

There is more to being Cuban than listening to Pitbull and smoking cigars.

1. Every baby had wore this

2. American Coffee may as well be water

3. It was tradition to watch Sabado Gigante with your family

4) These were not just used as clothing

5. Your entire family has a key to the house

6. Your entire family can relate to this show

7. You were affectionately called "Gorda(o)" and were secretly offended by it as a child

8. Freshman year of high school was the year of the Quinces

9. You are either too skinny or too fat

10. No matter where you go you are bound to find another Cuban

11. You are never full in your grandmother's eyes

12. VapoRub can heal anything

13. Everything but Cuban food is considered junk

14. You talk with your hands

15. You don't leave right after you say goodbye

16. You can't trust the labels on a container

17. It's not a complete meal without bananas

18. Celia Cruz was the original Queen of music

19. Guayaberas are everyone's go to formal attire

20. Lechon replaced turkey on Thanksgiving

21. Your smelled like Agua de Violeta as a kid

22. You prefer fritas over burgers

23. The first board game you learned to play was Dominos

24. You had to wait two hours after you eat before you could swim again

25. You come out of the womb dancing

26. These are your go to breakfast, dessert and/or snack

27) You get mad offened when people confuse the Cuban and Puerto Rican flag

28) The entire family is Republican

29) Your kitchen is stocked with this

30. You adjust every family event including Cuban time

And at the end of the day you are proud to be Cuban!

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