You know it's the first week of school when:
1. You were only able to hear the last alarm out of the ten alarms you've set up the night before. It's the alarm telling you to leave---not wake up.
2. You realize you forgot something important back in your room halfway to class.
3.You are able to fall asleep with your eyes open during class.
4.That one bad dream where you were caught sleeping in class-- it's real.
5.You forgot it was Labor Day yesterday and followed your Monday schedule.
6.You can't find your next class-- then you realize you read the numbers wrong.
7. You get lost (or walk the wrong way for a long time).
8.You wake up in the morning and your eyes can't open.
9.Your food pyramid consists mostly of the top part of the original pyramid (candy!) and your bottom supporting part consists of various caffeinated beverages.
10. You keep telling yourself to take a nap, then that one nap you take lasts for 5 hours. You wonder when did the sky turned so dark.
11. You can't take naps. (See reason above.)
12. Your roommates only see you during bathroom breaks.
13. You're still staying up past 12 am-- despite having an 8 am class.
14. You miss summer (actually, this applies for all school weeks).
15. You don't realize it's finally Friday until someone tells you to have a nice weekend. (which you will use to finally unpack.)
The first week is always the hardest (or finals, I can't decide exactly). I wish I was better prepared, but I'll adjust. To those people who are prepared and ready for the day, kudos to you! I only hope to one day be able to wake up on my fifth alarm.