The semester is finally coming to an end. The last couple weeks include several papers, exams, and last minute extra credit assignments. We are all just looking forward to winter break and getting out of school! You know its the end of the semester when you find:
1. You're avoiding looking at your planner because you know you have a lot of papers and finals coming up
2. You're calculating how low of a grade you can get on the final to still pass
3. You have a countdown to the end of the semester
4. You're having those mental breakdowns about how done you are with school
5. You are emailing professors to find out what your current grades are or begging for extra credit
6. Amazon emailing you to return you rental books
7. Discovering a quiet spot in the library is like winning the lottery
8. YOu want to go home just so your parents will cook you whatever you want
9. You have no time to sleep
10. You have no time to eat
11. No one dresses nice to classes anymore
12. The only thing you drink is coffee