Every year, March Madness attracts the time, attention, and emotion of college basketball fans, sports fans in general, and loyal supporters of specific schools. But the appeal of the numerous contests among the 32 best college basketball teams in the nation stretches far beyond the brightly colored baselines and stadiums of rambunctious fans, and you might be surprised about its effects.
"Baracketology:" Political Connections
For each year of Obama's presidency, he has participated in the popular March Madness tradition of completing a tournament bracket, predicting the winning team of each game and ultimately the champions. President Obama appears on ESPN, announcing and explaining his picks on national TV. Through "Baracketology," President Obama connects with popular culture and advances important policy issues, especially targeting young citizens: During past airings, he has mentioned sexual assault on college campuses and the importance of college athletes receiving a strong education. Maybe we should elect our next president based on his or her March Madness bracket-making propensity.
Lots More Vasectomies
Yes, you read that right. According to David Fleming from ESPN, urologists across America have reported a 50% increase in the frequency of vasectomies scheduled for the days leading up to and during March Madness. The procedure requires a four-day resting period afterwards, so it's a perfect excuse to stay home from work and watch countless hours of college basketball- a phenomenon known as "Vas Madness." During the 2015 tournament, the Urology Associates of Cape Cod harnessed the desires (and some fears) of American men in their advertisement: "Want to watch college basketball guilt-free?" Nice.
The Remote vs. The Ring
It's quite the cliché that constant television watching is irritating between marital partners. But, thanks to the wonders of psychology, we now know that March Madness can actually make marriages happier! According to Melissa Fogel , Psy.D., March Madness gives couples an activity to participate in together, but it also offers opportunities for couples to spend time separately, letting one individual have time to socialize with different people or alone. Further, the games, like any sporting event, offers an escape from reality that lends a psychological break from the stresses of life. Go basketball!
So watch on, my friends. Enjoy the Madness.