You Haven't Been Set Aside, You've Been Set Apart | The Odyssey Online
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You Haven't Been Set Aside, You've Been Set Apart

You were made to do amazing things.

You Haven't Been Set Aside, You've Been Set Apart
Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

No one that God has called to make an impact on this world has had an easy route. Everyone who has achieved something great has been faced with challenges in their lives; especially when it comes to being accepted by peers. In a society that promotes trends to follow and people to imitate, it can be hard for someone who decides to go against the grain. What is to be remembered is that the end result will be wonderful and victorious, and that there is a reason for the situations we are put through.

This is an open letter to all the outsiders. The people who may have trouble making and keeping friends, or who may feel like no one understands them. To the people who always try to do the right thing even if they may find themselves alone in the process. It may not seem like it right now, but God is protecting and strengthening your heart for something so much bigger than you can ever imagine.

You cannot please everyone in life, it's virtually impossible. Luckily, we do not live to please the people of the Earth. It is much more important to follow your heart and do what you feel is right, even though it may be different. As long as you are putting positive energy into the world, there is no need to worry about what other people think. Those who are recipients of your kindness will appreciate all that you have done. Even those who are onlookers of your good deeds will greatly benefit from your giving spirit. Besides, nothing that is done in the will of God goes to waste, and goodness only creates more goodness. Remember that God looks with great favor upon those who listen to what He tells them to do despite remarks from others.

Sometimes, doing what is right can be difficult, especially when we find ourselves alone in the process. We may often question ourselves and our image, but that's only because of human's nature to adhere to society's standards. When we face rejection, it is God's way of protecting us from people who may hold us back. It is very common to get less done when we are surrounded by others. Their opinions sway our decisions and it turns into a never ending cycle of people pleasing. This is the world speaking to us, and we must learn to turn a deaf ear to this voice and only listen to what God is saying to us.

We live in a broken world, and although our time on Earth is temporary, that does not mean that we do not have the capability to start mending it. Since the world is broken, broken people live among us, and they search for completeness through worldly pleasures. These pleasures, like our time on Earth, are also temporary, and can only fill us for a moment. In the end, they only leave us empty, and searching for more; more validation, more love, more respect, whatever it is we feel that we are lacking. It turns us into people who only live to please other people, rather than people who live to please God and God alone. When we decide to use our talents and listen to God's plan for us, however, that is when we find true joy and completeness, with limitless rewards.

God made us all unique for a reason. We all were given special talents that no one else has, and we were made for a purpose that no one else can fulfill. Imagine how much richer and fuller everyone's life would be if we each answered our calling. The next time you find yourself alone and facing rejection, see it as an opportunity to bless the world with what you were given. Do some good for the world and let those good deeds shine, because the world needs more of your light. You were created for a time such as this, don't let the moment pass you by.

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