You Have What You Need.
This might be a childish illustration but hear me out on this one.
When I was younger I went to this girl’s conference and one of the speakers was talking about confidence. She played Tinker Bell at Disney World and she said something really profound, it’s actually the only thing I remember from that conference.
This is what she said, “Every character is given a trunk of things necessary for their costume, for their part. Mine included Tinker Bell’s green dress, flats, tights, wings, a wig, etc… Now it’s really easy to look in someone else’s trunk and say ‘Wait why don’t I get glass slippers?’ But here’s the thing Tinker Bell doesn’t need glass slippers…”
When she said this she was talking more about self-esteem and being confident, which is always very important but I want to take this a different direction.
It’s really easy to look at someone else’s life and say,
“Wait, why aren’t their parents divorced?”
“Why is she engaged and not me?”
“Why are his grades so much better than mine?”
“Why have these things happened to me but not them?”
That’s a very dangerous game that I think we all play at some point.
Here’s the thing, I know it’s really hard to not compare but the Lord has given you a trunk with everything you need. Honestly, there are some days I’ve looked in my trunk and only seen the Lord, or on the days I don’t hear from Him, all I see is my Bible.
That is Him saying “Will you please just depend on Me? I promise I’ll handle it.”
He has equipped you with every single thing you need to live this life in a way that glorifies Him.
He has given you unique qualities that will shake this world, but here’s the hard part…
It is your decision whether or not you’re going to use them.
You could sit there and look at everyone else’s trunks and just waste your time wanting what they have or you can look in yours and say “okay Lord teach me how to use these things.”
Maybe you don’t need your parents to be together, that divorce is part of your testimony and that can be a beautiful thing.
Maybe you’re not engaged or dating anyone right now because the Lord needs your heart first, maybe your future spouse isn’t ready. The Lord’s plan and timing are way better than yours.
Maybe your grades aren’t so great because you’re not going to class (talking to myself right now, sorry mom). Maybe you’re trying too hard, are you spending time with the Lord also? I have found that when my spiritual life suffers, my grades do too. Close your textbook sometime and open the Good Book, it’ll help.
It’s really easy to look at the trials of your life and say “God why? Where were You?” I’ve asked Him on numerous occasions and every single time He answers me the same, “I’m right here.”
I know some days your trunk seems empty.
I promise you, your trunk is never empty.
It is never lacking.
You are never empty.
You are never lacking.
You have been chosen to live the life you live because the Lord knew you could handle it.
He has equipped you with every weapon you could ever need to fight this battle.
When you are convinced that you are not strong enough, remember that He is.
Depend on Him.
Trust Him.
Need Him.
Please hear Psalm 46:11 today,
The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.