Dear You,
I may not know who you are yet, but I think of you and our future quite often. I wonder if I've already met you, or if I won't meet you until I'm in my 20s. I wonder what your family is like, if you have any siblings or pets. I wonder how you're living your life at this present moment. Are you living for the Lord? I think about the struggles you may be having and I pray that you will be able to overcome them through the help of Christ. I wonder what kind of shows, books, foods, and hobbies you like. I hope you're okay with binge watching the Hallmark channel, they always have such cute movie marathons. I hope you have sisters (but it's okay if you don't) so that I will be able to hang out with them while you're with my brothers. I hope that you have a good relationship with your mom and I REALLY hope that she likes me. I hope you want to adopt because that has always been such a God-sized dream of my heart. I won't keep going on about the things that my teenage self wonders about you, but know that you are on my mind.
I pray for you often. I would say every day, but I won't lie because honestly, sometimes I forget. I'm sorry for that. I pray that you are growing into a man after God's own heart. I pray that we will work as a team in furthering God's kingdom. I pray that you are developing skills that will help whenever we are married because I have no clue how to fix a light switch or how to unclog a drain. I pray that you are becoming a 1 Corinthians 13 type man. I pray that you are patient and kind. I pray that you aren't envious or prideful. I pray that you will not be easily angered or self-seeking. I pray that you will not be a person who holds grudges against others and I pray that you will always desire truth. I pray that you will love Christ more than you could ever love me. I am not praying these things for you without also trying to accomplish these things myself. I hope that you're praying these things for me as well, but I guess I won't know if you are until we are together.
Now, can I just say how much fun I believe doing life with you will be? I mean, we can go to drive-ins and we can play board games. We can hike and kayak and camp. Like, it seriously blows my mind that one day, I'll get to experience all of life with my best friend. I'm super excited, but you should be as well because I am hands down the funniest (and maybe the dorkiest) person I know and I promise there will never be a dull moment and I hope you're ready to deal with the millions of "Would You Rather" questions I'll supply. I hope you're ready for my giggle fits at 2 in the morning, and then for deep talks. Mostly, I hope you are prepared for me to steal your clothes.
I'm promising you now that not all of our times together will be pleasant. There will be times when I am extremely difficult to deal with, and I'm sorry. There will be days where everything you say to me will make me angry, and there will be days where I will be too upset to even leave the house. There will be days where we will fight over a wet towel on the floor, or whether or not our pet is overweight (or something equally as silly). I'll question quite often why you want to be with plain ol' me. I will need you to remind me who I am in Christ whenever I begin to feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure. I promise to do the same.
So, whoever you are, I am praying for you and I am super stoked about possibly having the opportunity to do life with you.
Waiting patiently for you,
Your future wife, Holly Jewell.
P.S. You have to kill the spiders.