Although I can't wait for summer and to be stress free, I will for sure miss college and not just the whole college aspect but, most importantly, the friends I have made so far. Coming into college, I really didn't know what to expect. I didn't know what major I wanted to be, how hard the classes were, how to use the bus system, or how to live alone. Out of all those things I was clueless about, the one that I'm glad I figured out was that I was surrounded by some of the best people I will ever meet.
As cliche and corny as it sounds, I have really found myself this past year; and part of the reason is that you guys have helped mold me into the girl I am today. I have grown up so much in the past year, and I can clearly see that you all have too. It makes me happy to think about how we influence each other's lives. An older friend once gave me really great advice: "Let me be the first to tell you that the friendships you make here will make all the difference in your life and who you become as a person. Branching out and becoming friends with different people will shape you into who you are and who you want to be!" I can't even stress how true this is. You guys have really made me love who I am and my college experience so far. It's because of you guys that I have always been happy because you guys either helped me get through whatever I was going through or you just helped me love my life. You might not realize how grateful I am for you, or how big of an impact you have had on my life, but you have -- which is why I'm writing this.
It's going to be a weird transition from being together every single day, to being a thousand miles from some of you. And, of course, not everyone is as far from Ohio as California, but even if you live in Ohio, I won't be able to see you all every day. I have done everything with you guys these past eight months, and we've experienced a lot of new things together, which is why it's going to be weird not seeing you for a couple months. From spending endless hours at the library together, serious all nighters all the time, movie nights, going out, getting food, date parties, and so much more, you guys have become my family. It's crazy to think that I haven't even known some of you for a full year, and you have impacted my life in so many ways. Thanks for always being just as crazy as me and bringing out the best in myself.
Although next year we'll make more friends, and we won't all be living really close to each other anymore (down the hall), our friendship will last. And that's something I'm confident in. When we come back from summer, we'll pick up right where we left off -- except now we'll have more crazy stories to tell each other. Also, if you're within four hours of me, I expect a visit.