It does seem hard these days to find the right person in this fast-paced world. Facebook "likes" left and right from friends you never met, constant followers that link to your Twitter accounts, and the wide collection of Instagram photos shared and clicked "hearts" from people who only like the personality you portray on your profile.
Do it old-fashion in my opinion. Take a huge leap in your life to change for the better. Walk up to someone with the interest to have a great conversation. Stay open and true to yourself and that is where you will find the right person for you. But there are days to blow all of things out of proportion.
Those are the days you feel insecure and vulnerable. You feel like no one is going to support what you love or even enjoy the things you like. Since we are the generation that is growing up with all the possible social media outlets, all of us tend to send a friend request to a random stranger. This is where your brain tells you dont touch the profile picture with the hot and sexy possible adult actress, possible man killer, possible crazy meth druggie or possible person with a lot of angst filled depression and ask for you to give happiness but it is so tiresome. Point is you defiantly know not to send a friend request to a stranger but you did it anyway. Why?
A very simple reason is to fill your mind with the thought there is one person who wants one thing: your dirty thoughts. But let us be real here no one in the world really wants to have your private business. Sure maybe one night but no one will hand all the desire and pleasure daily. We live in a society to support monogamous relationships. Does not mean we can't ever live in a polyamorous society but to apply those sexual desires constantly will never find the same satisfaction in long term relationships.
Loneiless is a major factor. Please dont feel this way. Think about this story. Two men were born on the same hospital and went to the same schools. They both graduated with great academic success but one was more out going and the other felt lonely. The one who was out going talk to many friends as he could to build more connections with people on the street and conferences while the lonely guy found close friends with him who also live near him. The out going man got the woman of his dreams and is raising a family and the lonely man married his friend who lived near him but shortly she died and never decide to meet anyone else again for he was afraid to be happy. The outgoing man saw him walking down the street one and noticed the lonely man's sad face. He turned to him to speak but the lonely man never gave a shot of happiness because he forgot an important feeling we all share: competence. The man who was forever lonely did not have this feeling at birth nor does the outgoing man with his wonderful life. Gaining competence will allow more focus on how the man can have strength and creativity. It does not take effort to have loneliness; it takes effort to have happiness. The more the person shelters, the more inexperience one will have to never find other opportunities won't stay happy and move to a healthier lifestyle with a family to support. All I am saying is making a lot of friends does take effort and we may feel awkward to start a conversation with a stranger now with our outlets but as social mammals we must meet other people even some of us are shy at heart or out going at heart. Don't settle to ask for a friend if you have no idea who they are only to fill your lonely void. It is self hurt but happiness is a series of tries everyday. Go do that!
Plus think of this scenario! They accept you because they don't care about you. Social media in general is a huge outlet to gain popularity in order to achieve success. This is not the truth as most successful people are crazy and disliked the word popularity like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Albert Einstein. Accept people for who they are and not what they look like. I will tell you about my best friend Jack King. He and I were not very popular at school. In sixth grade, he was socially awkward and one time puked at the middle school cafeteria. I never thought of the day I would be stuck in a math project with him but I did. I went to his house at the rich part of town and met his family who all supported him and loved him. Working on the math project I saw the real Jack King. A friend who is smart, kind, and will never set you aside because you are different. He will stand next to you and welcome a good pat on th back to embrace the day and follow what you love. Listen, people will accept anybody but accepting a personality is way different. Jack and I are not random bodies floating around waiting to have acception; we are proud people who know what we been through making us strong and focused. Our personalities has lead us to many successful drives without worrying about how many people who know us from our profile picture. Click the person you know deeply. You will know you picked the right person when they will talk to for hours on chatrooms, phone calls, or in person, talking about how each others feelings, when was the last time you did something crazy, and telling amazing stories to hear them say at the very end-that was a cool one.
And look I can go on and on about this because I was the guy who wanted people to accept me. But John Lennon once said "I dont believe in Beatles; I just believe in me" because he accepted who he was now and did not care if he was the Beatle John. Move on with your life with passion and responsibility to find that inner Lennon. And dont send a random request from someone who you believe has it all. Personality and focus has it all. Not a profile picture.