You Don't Remember | The Odyssey Online
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You Don't Remember

A friendship that I can't forget, but you can.

You Don't Remember

You don't remember us not talking and you telling me that I was a burden in your life. You don't remember how you cut me off cold turkey from your contact, or that I secretly wanted you to never leave. You don't remember that we were as close as two people could have gotten considering we had just met, or that we talked every day all day. You also don't remember how hard you tried to push me out of your life. Blocking me on social media and deleting my number. You don't remember that it was a few days before Christmas. It made the snow feel warm when you left.

You didn't know that I was broken up about it for months, thinking about how your life was going without me in it. You didn't know how weird it was to go from talking to someone about everything to keeping it bottled up inside. You didn't know that after that, I started to work on myself, taking your complaints to heart.

All the things that happened that I thought about texting you, then suddenly remembering that we don't talk anymore. Something would happen that we would both laugh at, and I was left laughing alone. All the things you once told me you loved about me I now hated, thinking if they were that great then why didn't they keep you from leaving. A whole year went by without you, and I turned into something new.

I remember the day you wanted to come back into my life, reaching out to me in front of everyone. You asked if I could somehow come back into your life because the year without me was a year haunted by the biggest mistake you ever made. You weren't happy then. I remember talking and realizing that you were completely different than before. I remembered originally you were so sweet and caring, always putting me first. I remember when we started talking again, that you were cold and wicked, putting yourself and your needs before everyone else.

A few years later, you were still wicked and cold, but worse. You would only talk to me if you wanted something. When I wouldn't help you, you would give me a sob story about your life. I was stupid and would fall for it. I knew you were lying, but I remembered how it felt when you left the first time. I thought that dealing with the new you was better than no you.

We grew apart after a while, and I was okay with it. Occasionally hitting me up for favors, you would use me as a puppet. Other people in my life saw how horrible you were, and knew that I knew too. You would use me for your own gain and fun. You would flaunt your other friends in front of me, trying to make me jealous I guess. I let you be with them, trying to push you out of my life as casually as I could.

Recently, you came back again. When your friends realized what kind of person you became, they left. While I sometimes feel the way I did when you would terrorize me, I also feel the times you made me feel warm and happy.

Now we talk every day like we used to. Like none of the problems we had ever happened. We both have completely different lives, but somehow we remind each other of what we used to be. You're happy again. Now that we talk again, I asked if you remember when we stopped talking. You don't remember at all.

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