So, listen.
I'm fed up with acting "accordingly" to how we are subjected to confront whatever situation we are in that makes us uncomfortable as women.
I will not conform to make you comfortable and give you the benefit for you to think that you have any sort of power over me. I will never give you any sort of attention that makes you think that I am even remotely interested in having you around when I do not. I will no longer tell you that I am in a relationship when am not just to have intentions to get you to stop bothering me.
When I dismiss you politely, do not belittle me and try to hurt my realization of my own self-worth.
You do not and never will have any sort of power over me and you need to understand this.
I have a voice and I have an opinion. When I say 'no', it means no. So stop whatever act you are trying to pull. If you dismiss me in any sort of way within the act that you're trying to pull, you're showing me already how much respect you have. I do not owe you anything and you showing me this type of insecurity is actually hilarious.
For the women that are are accustomed to domestic violence, physical, mental or even emotionally abusive relationships, I know it is hard. Start step by step. Don't become afraid of where you are at and don't become stuck. You can make it out of this. You will forever be grateful for this transition that you will get the courage to make. His cruel intentions, vindictive behaivor and manipulation over you will no longer intimidate you. You will get the courage one day to realize that you deserve better. Say it to yourself until you believe it and make it happen. He has put negative thoughts in your mind, telling you that you don't live up to his expectations that you apparently have to make. Please understand this:
There is nothing that you owe him. He is no bigger of a person than the next. Do not let him contradict what you want to say, your ideas or dreams. They matter. You matter. You have your own voice and you are your own person.
The day that you understand that all of the mind games or intentional behaivor just to scare you is all just insecurity and pride is the day that it will no longer phase you. All he is showing you is the disrespect, insecurity and pride that he has either conformed to himself or just, unfortunately, was taught improperly how to respect a woman.
There will never be anyone in your life that has a position of power to have control over what you say, how you act, or what you do. You are your own person.