Over the last couple of years, I have come to learn a very valuable lesson. The lesson is that you don't owe anybody anything. In return, no one owes you anything either.
The only person you owe something to is yourself. You owe it to yourself to have your own back. To make better for yourself. To prove to yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to.
You are also the only person that stands in your own way. You can make excuses and tell yourself that I can't do this because of such and such, but ultimately you are the one person that holds yourself back.
You are also the only person who could say you deserve things. That you deserve better. That you deserve the world and the only one who's going to give it to you is yourself.
Everyone else is too busy for you. They have their own problems. Their own worries. Their own things to take care of and that is Okay.
That is when you have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start doing things on your own. You'll have to step up and take care of your own self. Hold your own hand, because no one else is going to hold it for you.
This is so that when you look back you can say that you did it. Yes, people might have helped you out every now and then, but ultimately it was all you. IT IS ALL YOU!
The people in your life are just along for the ride. You should appreciate them and give them thanks.
However, at the end of the day....give yourself some credit and pat yourself on the back and tell yourself that you will survive another day because you will.