Unless you live under a rock or have distanced yourself from all manner of social media, I'm sure you've heard of Alicia Keys and her decision not to wear makeup to the MTV Video Music Awards a couple of weeks ago. The internet, collectively, lost it. There were numerous articles about how she should have worn at least some makeup to the awards. But why do people think she should have had to wear makeup?
Some women in this day and age think they have to wear makeup to go out in public. I know, because I usually am one. I don't like to leave my house without putting my makeup on, and have even called the process "putting on my face." And I know I'm not the only one. The phrase "putting on your face" when you're applying your makeup makes it sound like your face is incomplete without a drop of makeup, which is inherently wrong. Your face is your face and you should feel comfortable in it with or without makeup. However, if you're more comfortable putting on makeup to run even the most mundane of tasks, then keep doing you. It's all about making your own decisions and choosing what is best for you.
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One argument I saw that someone made was that Alicia Keys should have worn makeup due to the nature of the event. It was an awards show, after all. This also ties in with the idea that if you're a female going to prom or a formal, you have to step your makeup game up and go all out. This is incorrect, as well. If you don't want to put on makeup, or put on a lot of makeup, for a certain event, you should not feel pressured to do so. You should be able to do whatever it is you want to do in regards to your own face and whether or not you wear makeup. This is a decision for you to make, not society.
Along with all the articles addressing Alicia Keys' lack of makeup at the awards show, there were numerous comments I ran upon that said something along the lines of how she needed the makeup in the first place. The insinuation that someone is too ugly or plain to show their face without makeup is damaging to the self esteem and perception of self worth of that person. I know that with the internet and social media, we are more able to make these derogatory comments towards people, and especially celebrities, without thinking they'll see them or that the comments will be damaging, but that's incorrect. If there are an abundance of rude comments in the same vein, then more than likely, the person the comments are directed to will at least catch wind of them. Need I remind anyone of the Twitter debacle with Leslie Jones?
This article wasn't written to look down upon those who wear makeup, because like I said, I wear makeup daily. The point of this article is to help people understand that makeup isn't necessary for you to live your life. No one should feel pressured to wear makeup if they don't want to and they should definitely not be looked down upon for choosing not to wear it. If you're comfortable in your own skin sans makeup, then that's amazing! And if you're more comfortable if you wear makeup, then that's amazing, too! We have got to stop vilifying and demonizing people who live their lives differently than the way we deem acceptable. Let Alicia Keys show up to award shows without makeup. Let people put on a full face of makeup to go to the gas station. It doesn't matter what other people do, and you shouldn't concern yourself with their choices. Live your life how you want, and let others do the same.