Dear Trying to Fit in,
The world is changing and growing so quickly, and you're finding it difficult to keep up. You feel like everyone expects something of you daily; like it's impossible to know who you truly are some days because you're constantly finding yourself doing what you know is expected to please the people around you. Well, let me share with you something that I've learned — just because the world is changing doesn't mean that you have to change with it. You were not born to fit into this world; nobody was.
Each year as you've grown, you have changed; you've become older, wiser and have gained experience. With each year, you have become a bigger and better person, but along the way you have felt lost and found yourself conforming to society because it's safe, it's familiar and it's what you know. But you were created to be so much more than another girl in this world, wearing the same trends, saying the same phrases, fitting in because that's what is expected of you.
Sadly, this has become a lifestyle for you, conforming to the world, doing what is accepted at large because you don't want to stir up the pot that is social order. Guess what? It doesn't have to be that way because you are in charge of your own life, and once you realize that, you will be the one changing the order of things, and it won't be seen as a negative.
You were born to stand out and be different. Whether this means wearing a different outfit than everyone, going to a different church or listening to different music, do whatever it is with confidence. God didn't place you on this earth because He wanted you to fit in; He looked at the world and saw no one like you and made you unique and beautiful. Embrace all that you are each and every day.
When you show the world confidence in your differences, you inspire more people than you know. Nobody else will ever be able to be more you than you can be, so if you're not doing it — who is going to? How will anyone ever know what you have to offer this world if you're not the one doing it? Go out, change the rules and be bold. Who you are is amazing, and by being yourself and embracing your differences, you will show others who are hiding their real selves that it is OK not to conform to this world.
"Be weird, be random, be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide." -C.S. Lewis