"New Year, New Me"
Every year when December rolls around, we all grab our pencils and paper and write down a list of the things we would like to do differently in the year to come. We reflect on everything we disliked about the previous months and decide what changes we are going to make in order to make the next year extra bright and cheery. However, New Years Resolutions aren't as life-changing as they're cracked up to be.
My question to you is this: why wait for a new year to change something about your life that you are dissatisfied with? It's honestly bizarre--you notice you're getting fat in April but you don't start eating healthy or working out until January of the next year because of New Years Resolutions! Halfway through the first semester you notice you're slacking in school but why work harder to get better grades now when you could just wait until the second semester because your New Years Resolution will be to do better in school! This is just a prime example of how lazy and unmotivated we really are. On top of that, the resolutions that we make rarely end up lasting more than maybe a month or two. If you're going to start something at least follow through with it people!
The concept of New Years Resolutions sounds like a good idea; however, it's just another excuse for people to sound like they're trying to get their life together but in all reality we know they aren't. There's only one New Years Resolution that I will suggest to you: Stop making New Years Resolutions. Do you want a hot body? Go workout NOW. Would you like to get better grades? Stop watching Netflix and study NOW. The only way you can make a change in your life is if you work towards your goal every day (and not starting after the New Year). Don't wait and don't give up because perseverance and effort outweigh laziness any day.