Something my eyes have been opened to lately is the amount of talking about others that we do. Before you decide not to read this because you feel it may not apply to you or you don't want to hear it, please hear me out. I can't lie; I'm guilty of this, too. The comments, the judgments, the time that goes into evaluating someone else... it is a path that leads nowhere. I've also come to realize that after these "vent sessions" or gossip time, I am so unfulfilled. I feel empty and a sense of guilt.
Let me tell you, there's a reason for that. It's because we are called to not partake in this. Paul said in Ephesians 4:29: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." How often is it that we are tearing others down, or not doing something about it when others are? Most of the time these words are spoken without their knowledge, in a place they have no defense.
This kind of talk surrounds us. We are constantly bombarded with news that, to be honest, often doesn't personally affect us. Our timelines are gold for this kind of thing. "He's dating her? She's going nowhere. Did they get engaged already? That's not going to last. Did you see that post? Can you believe she's wearing that? I just don't like her." The list truly goes on and on. How much time will we continue to waste speaking negativity, speaking death?
I have to tell you that you don't have to. You don't have to do what everyone else is doing. You don't have to put others down and speak empty words. You can choose something different; you can choose to speak life. A wise mentor in my life has spoken to me about the power of our words. Words matter! They truly speak life or death, and I can promise you that our time here is unbelievably more fulfilling when it's spent speaking life. Instead of commenting about how much you don't like this person or can't believe they're together, why don't we speak positively over them, or just say nothing at all?
This is not to be condemning, but to open eyes to see what is really happening. Life doesn't have to be filled with lifeless conversation, and you can choose differently. You can choose to walk away. You can choose to stand up for someone who doesn't have a voice. You can choose to alter the conversation. There are many alternatives, and you simply can choose one. Try speaking life. See the good in people; it is there. As tough as it can be to see sometimes, which I can attest to, don't give up on people. With all of our flaws and mistakes, we don't want others to give up on us either. We are all sinners. However, there is hope for everyone; let's start speaking that way!