I am a 19 year old college girl who is happy to announce that I'm single.
Because I will not settle for anything less than I deserve.
You can do the same.
A lot of people will tell you that in order to find the "right" person you have to go through a lot of the wrong ones.
It's not true.
Going through the wrong people doesn't bring you closer to the right one.
Just by going through another day brings you closer to the right one.
When I arrived at college I was excited to think of the potential boyfriends there could be. Especially since Montana Western is full of cowboys. I was also thinking of the potential husband that could be somewhere hidden on this campus.
It really didn't take me long to find a guy that caught my eye. He was handsome, but I was shy. Luckily for me, my friends knew him and introducing us was simple.
I suppose I caught his eye as well, because we started hanging out more and more. The more I got to know him, the more I liked him.
It wasn't much longer until he asked me if we could date.
I felt two things.
Firstly, I felt myself blush knowing that someone that I was into was also into me.
But then I felt the Holy Spirit tell me no.
Before I could let myself second guess the Spirit, I told this wonderful guy no.
It was not easy, but it felt right.
Not only did I save my heart from being hurt, I saved his.
Love is a sacrifice.
Even if you like someone and they like you it's okay to say no when you know they aren't right for you. The best way to show love is to wait. You don't have to go through all these wrong people to find the right one. It takes sacrifice to say no when you're lonely, but it saves you from another heartbreak.
Love is patient.
Don't settle for less just because you're lonely. You deserve the best and it's coming, it just takes time. God is writing your love story and has a reason for you to wait.
Most of all, don't forget that God is love.
You need to fall in love with Jesus before you even consider falling in love with anyone else. Let His love carry you when you're lonely, as you wait for what God has in store for you.
You don't have to say yes to the wrong person just to "test drive" it. Say no to the wrong person so God can steer your relationship
and remember, love is sacrifice, love is patient, and love is God.