When you say you need to love yourself, people think that comes with unbreakable self-confidence and a cocky attitude. For me, it is being OK with who you are and doing what you need to do for you.
As a college freshman, I am going through a huge transition with lots of added stress. And let me tell you, the freshman 15 is not a drill. Playing lacrosse all of high school kept me in shape, but since coming to college and not playing a sport, it is so much more enticing to sit and watch Netflix rather than go to the gym. Oh, and the fact that on weekends pizza is delivered until 2am. All this on top of the alcohol consumption… Let’s just say I’ve definitely fell victim to the Freshman 15. College is freaking hard, man. It’s been hard to look at myself from senior year of high school to now. Honestly, I've gotten better about going to the gym at least four times a week and cutting back (maybe not) my 2 a.m. pizza deliveries. But looking as these past two-quarters, I’ve had so much fun and met so many people and had so many experiences, both bad and good. Focusing on how you look all the time isn’t worth the stress that comes with it.
After a fun night out with friends you realize that it’s not about how great you look in that crop top you decided to wear or if your arm looks fat in the picture or if you have a slight double chin in that candid you took. All that matters is that you had a great night with great people. Wear what you feel good in and love your body and who you are as a person. It all starts with the thoughts you have in your head. If they are positive, you will start to love yourself.
Now, with loving your personality. Embrace the weirdness and know that it is what makes you you. As long as you are not a bitch to your friends 24/7 (sometimes you are a bitch. It happens) and aren’t a psychopath, you have a great personality that needs embracing. Personally, I've come to realize that being me isn’t bad. I’m kinda funny (because I embarrass myself publicly all the time) and love it when my friends are happy. Those are my two favorite things about me. Pick at least two of your favorite personality traits and just work on appreciating them. Again, positivity is key on your road to loving yourself.
So the main points: enjoy that late-night pizza, know that your friends are your friends no matter how you fit in society's standards, and just learn to love yourself and who are are.