There is a reason that nobody is perfect, and that reason being that we are all human. Humans are more than entitled to making mistakes, as that is how we learn for our future thoughts and actions. It also goes the same way with making decisions that may not lead to failure, but are just one's personal choice in their lifestyle. We are always told to "live life to the fullest" and "live how you want to live; it is your life and nobody else's." Although the truth in those phrases cannot be stressed enough, people will always second guess themselves before making a decision, afraid of what other people will think or say. In almost every person's life, there always seems to be that one (or many) individual(s) that will constantly be judgmental and stick their nose way too far into someone else's business. There is also that person that thinks that they are being helpful in giving their input because they "mean well," but what they are actually coming across as is being a negative influence: just crushing self-esteem. Although very contradicting, it is more times than not out of jealousy, being overly caring and concerned, or just being downright rude.The toxicity in these type of situations is unhealthy, and while easier said than done, there is no way in the world that anyone is owed an explanation for these seven personal choices.
1. You do not owe them an explanation for your level of education.
School really is not for some people. You absolutely do not need to go and get a master's degree if you really do not feel school is a strength for you just because it will disappoint Mom and Dad.
2. You do not owe them an explanation for your personal beliefs.
Religion, politics, environmental beliefs, sexuality, gender identity, view on marriage, perspective on child-bearing, any current debatable issues- your beliefs are your business. Not your neighbor Susan or your Uncle Steve.
3. You do not owe them an explanation for your relationship life.
It is you that has to spend your time and possibly your whole life with this person, not anyone else. Love is love and that is that.
4. You do not them an explanation for your appearance.
This one speaks for itself. Wear what you want to wear it is your body. Dye your hair whatever color your heart desires. Your body is your body, and you are beautiful. The end.
5. You do not owe them an explanation for your career choice.
Okay Grandma, I understand teachers may not make the best amount of pay. But it is my passion. I am studying the field for a reason, and I am the one who is going to have to wake up each day and do the job, I do not need your negative input on why not to do it.
6. You do not owe them an explanation for your living conditions.
Why should you have to explain yourself for who you live with or where you live? You are one hundred percent aware of your living conditions. No one else's beeswax. I mean, business.
7. You do not owe them an explanation for your food choices.
Eat what you want. You're on a low-carb diet? Great. You're cutting sugar out completely? Cool. You're enjoying a turkey club sandwich with a side of fries? Fabulous. Once again, your body. Nobody else is living inside of it but you. You do you.
Nobody is entitled to have input in your personal choices, especially if it is negative. Society has presented such a pressure on people to be the best of the best, when in fact, nobody is perfect, we are all human, and there is no competition in life. You as a strong individual do not need to stress yourself out over impressing people, or making choices around being afraid of what their reaction may be. You only live once, so make the most of what you want to be. If someone in your life is of such high importance, they will respect you for all of your decisions. Those who will mind do not matter in life, and those who matter do not mind.