There are many titles you receive when you do something just once. One decision can stay with you until you move to a new town and change your name. Until one day your wife wants to visit your hometown. You tell her that there's no reason to see it but she insists that "it's where you grew up so it is important." You give in and while walking around you try so hard to avoid anyone who looks faintly familiar.
Then suddenly you hear someone yell "Ay, pollo-pollo." Your heart sinks painfully slow while your wife turns and faces the very same person who first gave you that nickname. You don't even remember why you got this name so you can't even begin to explain to your wife why a man in his early 30s was calling you a chicken. You could lie and play it off as you being a rowdy child, but the fear that the actual origin story is worse may be revealed keeps your mouth closed shut.
You get my point.
There are names that just stay with you no matter what, but the one title that doesn't have to is "failure." You are only a failure the second you give up. Trying again no matter the odds or standing up when you've been knocked down makes you anything but a failure.
You can give yourself a title or someone else can give you hundreds, but failure isn't one. You typically gain nicknames by doing something but failure is earned when you do nothing. The only person who can dictate if you have earned it is yourself. Failing a class or losing a job only stays with you if you don't try again and go on.
Don't allow anyone to call you something you know you aren't and never visit your home town even if your wife insists.