At our core, we are all beings of light and love, and deserve to tend to ourselves so that we can shine like the beings we intended to be. Through the experiences and contrast in our lives, many have developed beliefs and thought patterns that often hold us back from being and attracting the love we wish to receive. We attract what we are, so the only way to get the love we desire, is to be the love!
Sometimes, on a subconscious level, we sabotage the love we give and receive by our limiting beliefs that we are not this enough, or that enough, to be worthy of something. These thoughts and beliefs emit energy that attract like energy, so the world will continue to validate whatever beliefs it is that we dominantly hold. It is entirely possible to change our beliefs and thoughts by focusing on what is it is that we want, and being the love we want to attract by loving ourselves, and knowing we are worthy.
That being said, there is power in taking the time to become aware that we have these limiting beliefs, and discover what they are causing us to do. We can gain clarity on our limiting beliefs by looking at the patterns of the people we've attracted into our lives, and writing down what they've done, how that affected us, and what it influenced us to believe and become more of.
When we take the time to be conscious about our limiting beliefs, it gives us the opportunity to let it go, and detach ourselves from that story we've thought to be the truth about ourselves for years. "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi We are worthy as we are! It's time to acknowledge that and seek the truth so that we can emulate our worthiness and attract what we deserve!
Mindartists tip: Write down the people in your life, why they've upset you, their affect on you, and what you felt as a result. Ex:
Who? Ex's name
Why? Didn't show me enough love/ respect
Affect: Self worth
Result/limiting belief: Unworthy/not enough
Ask and give yourself permission to release those limiting beliefs so you can break down those barriers and make room for all of the love within you to shine through!